Retrograde Station


Welcome to Retrograde Station!

Retrograde station is intended to be a Mecca for all true retro-gamers, focusing on the golden years of enthusiasm and playability - the time when every new game came on BOOTING DISKS, "Plug'n Play" decades before Microsoft came along and messed up a nice picture.

I conduct some related projects simultaneously, all of which will crop up in this forum:

So, take a step into realized anachronism,


Design and graphics by Mikademus,
Noeticus in January 2000

Latest updates

News and latest updates can be found in the News Archive.

The whole domain has been offline for a couple of weeks. The mail was also broken during parts of the downtime (most likely March 4-March 16 2006), so if you've sent me any mail after March 4, *please* send it again, so I can receive it properly! This is only a temporary solution, but Retrograde Station will be moved to a new, permanent server shortly. I'm writing this, since it might disappear again before it's moved...



Here in Retrograde Station you can find all programs necessary for retrogaming. On the programs page, you'll find "ROM-image" utilities (SnatchIt, TeleDisk and then some).

Go to the Programs Page.



Can't find what you're looking for? Use the search function to find that game you used to play 15 years ago...

Take me to the Search Page.



I've created a small FAQ to handle the most common questions. If you have any other questions, or just want to say hello, don't hesitate to write...

Read the Retrograde Station FAQ.



Retrograde station is meant to become *the* site to get booting images for Flopper.

Download Flopper from the Flopper Homepage.



Tand-Em is the Tandy 1000/IBM PCjr emulator for the PC. Visit the Tand-Em Homepage, where you can read about and download Tand-Em. Future versions of Tand-Em will be able to run PCjr cartridge dump files found on these pages...


Last words...

Amazing that people still visit & mail (with varying success I'm sorry to say) after all this time... Good to see that there are people out there that care about these old classics after all. If you find any problems, bugs, incorrect things, missing files or broken links, please report them by clicking on "Mail" in the left frame... I hope I can handle answering them better than in the past couple of years...